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All About Teaching


  1. Gender and Masculinity

  2. Gender in Global Affairs

  3. Gender, Race, and Human Rights

  4. Women & Politics from a Comparative Perspective 



  1. Introduction to International Relations

  2. Introduction to International Organizations

  3. Introduction to Global Governance 

  4. The World Today

  5. Global Careers 

  6. Late Night Round Up 

  7. Global Politics of Pandemic and Death Spring 2021 - 

  8. Human Rights and Film



  1. Introduction to Comparative Politics

  2. Introduction to Policy-Making in Democracies

  3. Intro to the EU 

  4. The Future of Europe after Brexit

  5. European Politics

  6. Asia in the 21st Century




  1. Och, M. (2024). “Country Cases and Two Other Assignments, “ De-Centering the U.S. in the Global Politics Classroom Resource Collection, APSA Educate

  2. Och, M. (2024). “Critical News Analysis and Six Other Assignments, “ De-Centering the U.S. in the Global Politics Classroom Resource Collection, APSA Educate

  3. Och, M. (2024). “Media Resources,“ De-Centering the U.S. in the Global Politics Classroom Resource Collection, APSA Educate

  4. Och, M. 2021. “Global Politics Video Series

  5. Och, M. 2020. Managing Time in the Online Classroom - Faculty

  6. Och, M. 2020. Managing Time in the Online Classroom - Student

  7. Och, M. and L. Wilkes. 2020. Avoiding the Scramble – Setting up your fall classes for a last-minute online transition without the headache


Och, M. (2023) Women and Politics: Global Lives in Focus, ABC-CLIO


Och, M. and S. Zwingel (2021) “International Law and Human Rights.” In: Political Science is for Everybody - an Intersectional Introduction, ed. Amy Atchison: University of Toronto Press.



  1. Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security - Diversity & Inclusion resources for teaching IR

  2. Worldmapper includes maps displaying various issues scaled by severity/degree. Also includes gender indices among many others.

  3. PBS Frontline: Teachers' resource center with video clips, debate questions, and student handouts.

  4. World Policy Forum: Provides tables and world maps on various policy issues including education, health, adult labor, gender, marriage, families, equal rights and discrimination etc.

  5. E-International Relations: open access to international relation topics including introductory textbook

  6. UNESCO/UNICEF. World's Largest Lesson: lesson plans for SDGs

  7. New York Times: Lesson Plans and Teaching Ideas


  1. Collection of Materials on Human Rights by OHCHR including fact sheets and special issues on selected human rights topics such as women, minorities, or indigenous people

  2. Status of international human rights treaties collected by OHCHR

TEACHING GENDER & Global Affairs

  1. Consortium on Gender, Security, and Human Rights: Collection of Syllabi

  2. American Philosophical Association: Diversity and Inclusiveness Syllabus Collection

  3. Women Suffrage and Beyond: Course outlines and teaching materials

  4. University of Pittsburgh collection of WGS syllabi

  5. PBS Women, War and Peace: videos, classroom activities, and lesson plans on the role of women, gender, and international war and peace

  6. We came to testify - Lesson Plan

  7. Rape in the Congo - Lesson Plan


  1. New York Times - Lesson Plans

  2. APSA - Teaching Resources

  3. PBS News Hour - Lesson Plans

  4. PBS Frontline - Teacher Center

  5. European Union - Teacher Corner

  6. NewsFacts & Analysis 

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