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This section is the result of a desperate attempt to organize my bookmarks which have accumulated over the past ten years of research on women in politics. I hope that other scholars, practitioners, and students will find his collection of resources useful. "Gender Issues" will allow you to read up on specific issues on gender such as women and the workforce or women in politics. If you are looking for hard data and numbers, visit the "Gender Stats" section with links to the most important databases in the field. The collection is by no means exhaustive and clearly reflects my own research interests. If you have resources you want me to add, please contact me through the website or leave a comment with a link to the resource.


This report (by Foreign Policy Analytics) examines women's inclusion and impact across 14 legacy industries. The research reveals positive correlation between gender diversity and environmental, social and governance ratings and spotlights steps to mobilize women's transformational capacity in male-dominated sectors.

A new interactive tool from the Women and Foreign Policy program ranks countries on their progress toward gender parity in political participation and visualizes the gender gap in political representation. 

One of the most comprehensive sources on the status of women online, it includes 360 indicators on the status of women (both quantitative and qualitative) in 175 countries.

Maintained by UN Women, the database allows to search for constitutional provisions in relations to gender equality in 195 countries.

Directory of UN Resources on gender and women's issues. Includes extensive list of links to databases, statistics, reports and other sources covering gender equality and women's human rights.

The institute is an agency of the European Union tasked with fighting gender discrimination. EIGE publishes the Gender Equality Index covering the following issues areas: work, money, knowledge, time, power, health, intersecting inequalities, and violence

Provides easy access to gender data collected and published by the World Bank. The gender data is part of the World Development Indicators. Allows one to search by region, country, topic or indicator. 

Published by the World Bank, this pdf booklet offers country specific gender data on: demography, education, health, labor force, political participation, Millennium Development Goals

Database by the World Bank on laws impacting the economic opportunities of women. Database can be searched by country or topic (accessing institutions, using property, getting a job, providing incentives to work, building credit, going to court, protecting women from violence). Data covers the following years: 2009, 2011, and 2013. Website also provides access to World Bank reports on subject matters.

The World Value Survey (WVS) is measuring values and cultural change across the world. Provides country specific data on values and opinion regarding gender equality (among others) and covers the time period 1981-2002, 2005, and the third wave currently being carried out 2010-2014.

Example : attitudes towards women, family values, importance of religion, abortion, women's organizations, sexual life, marriage, children, divorce, working mothers/housewives, and traits in a woman.

Measures gender inequality in education, employment, and entrepreneurship. Database is searchable by indicator (indicators are listed by country) and covers the time period from 1999-2011. Ability to look up trends by country for each indicator.

  1.  OECD Gender Initiative: project to increase knowledge, measurements, and data on gender inequality in education, employment, entrepreneurship considered to be the three key pillars of economic opportunities

  2. OECD Family Database:  indicators on family outcomes and policies across OECD countries (structures of families, labor market position of families, public policies for families and children, child outcomes)

From the website: The Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) was first launched by  the OECD Development Centre in 2009 as an innovative measure of the underlying drivers of gender inequality for over 100 countries. Instead of measuring gender gaps in outcomes such as employment and education, the SIGI instead captures discriminatory social institutions, such as early marriage, discriminatory inheritance practices, violence against women, son preference, restricted access to public space and restricted access to land and credit.

From the website: The UNECE Gender Statistics Database provides a framework of statistical indicators on gender-relevant issues and data for monitoring the situation of women and men in UNECE member countries and for evaluating effectiveness of policies. It was launched in 2003, compiles sex-disaggregated data from most of the 56 UNECE countries and is available in English and Russian. The topics covered in the Database include: population, fertility, families and households, work and the economy, education, public life and decision-making, health and mortality, crime and violence, science and information and communication technology, and work-life balance.

Gender resources by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

Database provides global (country specific) information on a range of policies such as gender, education, marriage, health and many more. Distribution of type of policy is displayed in interactive maps and by income levels.

Provides numbers on women and men in decision-making covers the gender balance amongst politicians at European, national and regional level

IPU maintains several databases on women in politics:

  1. Women in National Parliaments Archive and current numbers

  2. Women in National Parliaments regional and world average Archive and current numbers​

  3. Database on Women Caucuses

A global database on electoral quotas for women. Country specific data on voluntary party quotas, legislative candidate quotas, and reserved seats.

Provides current and historical list of women in leadership positions by country

The Reykjavik Index for Leadership measures how people feel about women in leadership. It measures the perceived legitimacy of male and female leadership in politics and across twenty professions, as well as a measure of how men and women differ in their views, and the extent to which men and women are viewed equally in terms of suitability of individuals for positions of power.

An analysis of gender equality in 100 countries looking at advancements in female leadership within government, corporations, STEM and entrepreneurship, as well as success enablers like access to education and parental leave.



International Labour Organization website concerned with promoting  equality and  gender discrimination in the workspace.


Resource guide maintained by its ILO Library service and includes a plethora of links to ILO publications, conventions, recommendations, statistics, and media coverage. You can also look for issues by topic or region.


Resources and data on women in the US labor force.

Human Rights

The Cities for CEDAW campaign is a grassroots effort that provides tools and leadership to empower local women’s organizations and municipalities and effectively initiate CEDAW within their city, county or state.

Human Rights

International Women's Rights Action Watch. Aim is to help the implementation of CEDAW in state practices.

Women and Politics

Website dedicated to women's political news in the United States. Organization encourages women to run for elected office on local, state, and federal level.

Women and Politics

Non-partisan organization that aims to increase the number of women in politics especially women who support health issues, including reproductive health care.

Women and Politics

Organization dedicated to increase the number of women who run for office by providing fellowships to potential female candidates among other things.

Women in Politics

Vote Run Lead trains women to run for political office and win. We believe that more women in government creates a stronger democracy.

Peace & Security

Publishes own research on women and peacebuilding. Topics include: conflict prevention, demobilization/disarmament/reintegration, democracy and governance, negotiation and mediation, post-conflict reconstruction, security sector, transitional justice, UN Women, Peace and Security Resolutions.

Peace & Security

The PeaceWomen Programme promotes the role of women in preventing conflict, and the equal and full participation of women in all efforts to create and maintain international peace and security.

Global South

We advocate for and defend women's human rights by making grants to support women's groups in five regions: Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East and North Africa, Europe and Central Asia, Asia Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean.

Law & Policies

Provides country overviews on gender equality laws.


Wikipedia site dedicated to gender issues on campaigns, economy and finance, employment, governance and civic engagement, laws, networks, science, society and culture, violence against women, youth, education and skills, environment, gender equality theory, health, human well-being, innovation and technology, migration, organizations, peace and security, social norms, and statistics. Also allows search by country with gender specific information on individual countries.


Collection of news articles published by the Guardian on gender issues in the United Kingdom and around the world. The Guardian also has a section on the issue of feminism.


A collection of news stories discussing gender equality and women's empowerment published by the New York Times

Law & Policies

Conducts research and publishes findings on:

  • Employment, Education, & Economic Change - Employment and Job Quality, Economic Status of Women in the States , Pay Equity and Discrimination, Access to Higher Education, Unemployment and the Economy

  • Democracy & Society - The Status of Women and Girls, Immigration and Religion, Women in Unions, Women's Political Participation

  • Poverty, Welfare, & Income Security - Retirement and Social Security, Poverty, Katrina and the Gulf Coast, Welfare Reform

  • Work & Family - Early Care and Education, Family Leave and Paid Sick Days, Workplace Flexibility

  • Health & Safety - Women's access to health insurance, costs and benefits of preventative health services for women, costs of domestic violence


Collection of news, events, blogs, and publications

Law & Policies

Information by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe on gender equality focusing on gender mainstreaming in policies and equal opportunities among OSCE member states.

Human Rights

Maintained by UN Women. Includes full text of convention, information on the Committee, reports my state parties, and CEDAW sessions, and the optional protocol.

Human Rights

Maintained by the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights. Includes list with upcoming and past events as well as news and developments on CEDAW.


Website offers collection of research on the role of gender equality in achieving development goals. Ability to search for research on individual countries regarding gender and development.


Link to the organization's website concerned with promoting gender equality in development. Access to World Development Reports, Data, and other related research.

Women and Politics

News and analysis of women candidates in the 2020 election

Women and Politics

Located at Rutgers University. Fact sheets on women in political office (federal executive, US Supreme Court, Congress, statewide executive, statewide legislature, local); election information; and fact sheets on women of color. Also includes data archive going back to 1975 for some categories.

Women and Politics

Political Parity was a nonpartisan platform under the umbrella of the Hunt Alternatives Fund. It analyzed the barriers to political office for women in the United States and provided research and insides on how to address the political under-representation of women in the United States.

Reproductive Rights

The Guttmacher Institute is a leading institute on the topic of reproductive and sexual health in the US and around the world. It conducts research, public policy analysis and public education. Topics include: abortions, adolescents, contraception, HIV/Aids, Men, Pregnancy, Sex and Relationships, and Technology and Bioethics.

Social Policies

Issues annual country reports on leave policies in OECD countries. Leave reports go back to the year 2005. Also includes current news on leave policies.

Social Policies

Offers country specific information on laws regarding working time, minimum wage, and maternity/parental leave

Women and Politics

International Knowledge Network on Women in Politics. Aims to provide resources and information to elected officials, candidates, political leaders and members, students, researchers and others who want to improve the presence of women in politics around the world. Topics covered: Advocacy and Lobbying, Campaigns, Cross-cutting issues, Elections and quotas, Parliament and Representatives, Political Parties, Post-conflict participation, Skill building.

Women and Politics

Exhaustive list of resources for women of color who are interested in running for office or becoming involved in politics

Women, Peace, Security

A resource collection of scholarship and policy documents from academics, think tanks, NGOs, and multilateral organizations. This database is a tool for students and scholars, as well as practitioners and policymakers who are interested in gender-sensitive resources.

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